Ulrike Rösner

A HATTINGER member right from the start, who stays on course with calmness and optimism even in stormy weather.

Barbara Cawelius

Our expert on projects: Allrounder with profundity – has committed herself to people’s growth…. using her charm, sensitivity and extensive experience.

Siracusa Gomez

Our expert on projects: Spanish roots, international practical experience – complemented by a great sense of humour and optimism.

Stefan Brünn

Our expert on projects: A passionate trainer and consultant who puts his whole heart and profound knowledge into promoting learning and development.

Martin Holfelder

Our expert on projects: A professional who even in acute conflict situations never loses his calm.

Simone Rahn

There is strength in tranquillity – to that effect, she is firmly anchored in every hustle and bustle in the back office.

Julia Bolz

Our HR expert. She has both a strategic and an operational view of People and Organisational Development. She raises the right questions and provides targeted answers.

Tanja Köllner

There is strength in tranquillity – to that effect, she is firmly anchored in every hustle and bustle in the back office.

Andrea Kolleker

Our expert on projects: Is wholeheartedly committed to diagnostics – and to sustainable processes.

Oliver Kirchhof

Our expert on projects: Is not only interested in granular details, but also in the bigger picture.