Focus on the future

possibilities for joint efforts


Support for the new business field development



Medium-sized textile company
180 employees

Target group

Executives from a business area, management board, sales (8 persons)


How can we jointly develop the business area to make it future-proof?


  1. Setting up a project group
  2. Kick-off – and synchronisation workshops with the participating executives
  3. Exploring and enhancing the understanding of framework conditions, new ideas and feasibility tests
  4. Mutual decision-making
  5. Implementation: Developing and restructuring the organisation unit
  6. Ongoing continuous adjustments

Factors for success

  • Trust in the MB in the participation-oriented process
  • Overcoming a cooperation culture that tended to “build walls” in favour of an open goal-oriented cooperation
  • Qualification of the involved parties during the ongoing process (“learning by doing”) and strengthening the confidence in their own capability

Duration of the project

2 years

Particular aspects during the course of the project

There has never before been a similar mutual thought process and such a share mutual responsibility in the history of the company. Instead of lonely experts’ decisions, this important strategy topic has dynamically been developed by goal-oriented internal cooperation and the communication of the major key players.


  • Realignment of the business field
  • Successful implementation of a new business model
  • Development of individual and organisational competence for future challenges