How to win old hands in the production for leadership work…


Systematic development of the level of foremen/master craftsmen



Target group

12 currently employed master craftsmen (seasoned foremen)


How do we bridge the “qualification gap” between junior master craftsmen with multidisciplinary qualifications and the older master craftsmen? This asymmetry has complicated the dialogue on new forms of leadership and cooperation between these two groups.
How can we win the currently employed master craftsmen/foremen for this process?


In close coordination with the management board, HR and the Works Council, the following process has been developed:

  1. Concept development including requirement profiles for the currently employed master craftsmen/foremen
  2. Kick-off event for all the currently employed master craftsmen/foremen to provide clarity and process transparency and to clarify reservations/resistance
  3. Assessment of the individual potential of all the currently employed master craftsmen/foremen, including result transparency
  4. Derivation of individual qualification requirements and implementation of the defined measures

“Learning day” with all involved parties (SM, HR, WC, older master craftsmen, junior master craftsmen) for a mutual evaluation of the process and to facilitate dialogue/debate

Factors for success

  • Transparency
  • Integration and close coordination with MB, HR and WC

Duration of the project

Approx. 12 months

Particular aspects during the course of the project

Close integration of all activities with the most important company principle of “work safety”


  • Clearer management responsibilities in the production process
  • Closing the generational gap between the master craftsmen/foremen